Minting and transfer of usage rights for real estate plots linked to coordinates (using Uber’s open-source H3 tesselation model).
Prototype built on RGB, testing Liquid, Ordinal-Inscriptions, and TARA as alternatives.

Key innovations for urban development:

  • Geo-pixels and a hexagonal grid allow for the utmost flexibility in land use.
  • Highly differentiated, overlapping usage titles can be traded independently for market-based bottom-up development instead of top-down planning and optimal internalization of externalities.

Hexagonal geopixels

  • Geopixels as the smallest units, hexagons (approximated by overlapping circles) with precise center points (defined by geo-coordinates) and dimensions.
  • Using H3, an open-source grid system developed by Uber for efficiently optimizing ride pricing and dispatch.
  • Land plots are combinations of adjacent geopixels with percentage restrictions on dimensions from the center (no included geopixel can be more than x-times the distance from the center than the closest one).
  • The outermost geopixels are always border buffers. Rights are not strictly and exclusively defined for border buffers. In case of conflict, the border geopixel will be divided according to geological and/or architectural features.
Geopixels are linked to various ownership layers represented by blockchain tokens
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Tradable, highly differentiated use-rights:
right to use, right to underground resources, right of way, right to acoustic limitations grouped by decibel ranges, right to light emission limitations grouped by lumen ranges, right to set and change aesthetic limitations from side views and from above …
Perfect tool to incentivize sustainable urban development bottom-up instead of static zoning and building codes
developed by Citadel Network
developed by Citadel Network